Thursday, October 20, 2011

For Your Amusement

I thought these pictures were just too hilarious not to share...usually I'm pretty good at spotting the cameras and putting on a happy face, but that just did not happen this time!
Clearly displeased with my time
Squinting and sweating.
At least my arm looks good.
No idea what this face is...
I think I mostly just look confused
SO glad to be done-slash-
possibly dying
I'm off to Boston for the weekend before the sun even rises. I'm coxing Head of the Charles for a friend's old rowing team that's coming in from Northern California. They needed a coxswain, I was available, so I'm helping them out. I coxed a 4+ for this team two years ago, and hadn't coxed in five years, and had never been on the Charles, which has many turns (and while we all know I'm not good at running tangents, I can steer a shell around the tightest corner if needed!).

It was my first time in Boston, and while there was a cold snap that made me have to wear a zillion layers at all times, I completely fell in love with the city.

This weekend's weather is looking good:

This was my view from the boat:
Bow-coxed 4+. Ready to race!
Along with this:
The beautiful Charles River. It was beautiful this day, but
the rain and cold (and SNOW!) came soon after!
Ahhh and this:
Fall foliage!
I can't wait!

Have you ever been to Boston? Any fun plans for you this weekend?


  1. I haven't been to Boston, and I have no fun plans. I am headed out to NYC next week to watch my boyfriend race, though. The east coast is so pretty in the fall.

    Your training is coming along well!

  2. Ahh nice! Very fun! The leaves are finally turning's getting prettier every day!

    And thanks! :) Two weeks to go!

  3. I have been to Boston twice. I love it... minus their baseball team course. (I am a native NY-er)
