So I took a week off from running to heal my injured IT band. Instead, I rode the stationary bike, did a little elliptical, lifted some weights, walked, and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d a lot. I also iced, rolled over the foam roller (AMAZING!), and iced some more. I tried running on Tuesday, and managed to do about 1.85 miles before I headed to total body conditioning class. I took it easy on my IT band, avoiding lunges and just doing my best in the class. Thursday I ran 3 miles!!! Woo hoo!
It felt like such an accomplishment, but since I have 10 miles scheduled for my training tomorrow, it seems pretty small. Even though I'm pretty sure I won't be able to do the whole 10 miles, I'm not going to decide ahead of time if I can. I'm going to go, bring my Metro card in case I can't finish it, and just do my best.
I've learned a lot in the process of this injury (short as this process may have been...) -- as hard as it is to take time off and not do something that I love, it's very important to do so in order to heal. It's given me a bit more perspective and helped me realize that not only is it OK to take a break, it's sometimes necessary. I read a recent article in Runner's World that had a quote from an orthopedic surgeon who tells all her injured patients, "Just wait. You're going to appreciate running so much more." And I think that I will...
I admire your dedication. I can learn a bit about that from you. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Be well. Cheers!