Saturday, April 24, 2010

Half-marathon tomorrow!

Well the time has first half-marathon of 2010 is tomorrow!

Not gonna lie, I took the week off from blogging because I took the week off of running. After the 11 miles last week, my hip was angry at me so I thought I'd treat it well and do some RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), skip the gym (I walked home from work a couple times, but didn't hit the gym at all), and stretch it out (in front of the TV after work). I think it's helping. I'm excited about the race tomorrow, but I'm not an idiot -- if I am dying of pain at any point in the race, I will stop running, even if it's at 110th St. on the west side!

It's not my first half-marathon -- if it was, I might be a little more determined and might be more stupid and run through any pain. But I've come to the realization that it's not a big deal if I have to stop. I'd rather be able to run the marathon in October than make it all the way through this race and end up with a more serious injury. I'm going to the doctor Monday though to have my hips checked out so hopefully that will give me a better idea of what's going on and what I can/can't or should/shouldn't do.

So we'll see what happens. Who knows, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and feel amazing! Either way, I'm going to try. As my dad said, "I think you'll regret it if you don't at least try." I agree. I'll try, I'll give it a shot, and if I can't make it all the way through, there's absolutely no shame in that!

I've got my race bib out, my Powerade gel ready, my playlist prepped and my outfit planned out (it's going to RAIN!!!). I've also decided that I'm going to switch back to my old shoes and properly break in the new ones after the race. I feel like part of the reason I'm injured is that I went too hard too fast in my new shoes and I need to ease into them better.

Time to get everything together now! Then off to bed! Woo hoo! Hopefully I'll be done in 12 hours!!! Wish me luck!

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